你條件這麼好,該不會想找個老實人接盤吧?#热门短剧推荐 #都市情感劇 #言情

En el artículo de hoy, compartimos el artículo sobre 你條件這麼好,該不會想找個老實人接盤吧?#热门短剧推荐 #都市情感劇 #言情. Puede encontrar detalles sobre 你條件這麼好,該不會想找個老實人接盤吧?#热门短剧推荐 #都市情感劇 #言情 en nuestro artículo.

你條件這麼好,該不會想找個老實人接盤吧?#热门短剧推荐 #都市情感劇 #言情 #decoración habitación matrimonio

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34 comentario en “你條件這麼好,該不會想找個老實人接盤吧?#热门短剧推荐 #都市情感劇 #言情”
  1. The start of this drama had one of my favorite tropes going strong: someone who presents a gentle and kind face to the one they love, but is actually VICIOUS underneath.
    ……….and then somewhere halfway through this story it became a harem drama and I don't know why, with 2 other women running after the ML, despite the fact he was happily married and expressed no interest in them. 😒

    Aside: Still, the ML has really interesting facial features and was fun to watch.

  2. Para pasar el rato esta buena,este Ye Tian tiene cara de tonto,pero se deja querer por 3 mujeres al mismo, se deja apapachar y arrullar,y no les pone un alto a pesar de estar casado,le gusta ser querido;sinceramente pienso que Yan Ruyu lo deberia mandar al carajo por mujeriego.
    Resulto bien listillo el dizque tonto 🙂🙂🙂😀😀😀😀😊😊😊😊😉😉😉😉

  3. The ML can kill people without blinking an eye, but he can't tell 2 women that he's married and only wants to be with his wife? The FL is putting up with other women vying for his attention and even following them on their honeymoon? The ML just looks sheepish at all 3 of them. Absolutely not. The FL should've told the ML if he wants to stay married to her he has to cut both women out of his life. I don't care if they are family friends, like sisters, best friends, etc. They made it very clear they intend to steal the ML away for themselves. They did this in front of both the leads. He's well aware these women are not just sisters/friends. If he's string enough to kill people, he's strong enough to reject 2 women. If he chooses not to reject them that speaks volumes of his level of commitment and his character toward the FL. She should divorce him and go abroad alone.

  4. Estas buscando mi belleza!! 😂😂😂😂
    Divertido, un aire fresco después de ver mucho maltrato, abortos, suicidios etc, etc. Buenas actuaciones. Pero muy mala traducción, menos mal es comedia!!

  5. 編劇就是卑鄙無恥又腦殘的人,看此劇除了找不會演戲的垃圾男主,其餘所有角色都是曾跟修羅狂刀,寒天尊,大賢帝師,青龍帝尊,北王刀,龍王戒此六個男主,這部戲的編劇不找他們六個編劇,找什麼垃圾男主把此劇拍成爛戲一齣真是無言。

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